
May, 2024

Great Lakes Authority – AGLPA Letter in support of Matt Kaplan nomination

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January, 2024

Port Infrastructure Grants – AGLPA Letter to Secretary Buttigieg

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February, 2016

AGLPA Comments to the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers regarding its Maritime Strategy

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July, 2016

AGLPA Letter to Senate Armed Services Committee in Support of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act

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December, 2015

AGLPA Comments on the 2016 U.S. Great Lakes Pilotage rate increase

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March, 2017

AGLPA Letter in Support of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative FY18 Funding

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January, 2017

House Letter to President Trump in Support of Harbor Maintenance

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February, 2017

CVIDA Coalition Letter to Senate

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May, 2017

AGLPA Letter to International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board on water levels in the Seaway

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April, 2017

AGLPA Letter in Support of H.R. 1908 – Unlocking the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Act

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